Sam Toft는 영국 킹스턴 폴리테크닉 대학에서 사회학으로 학사학위를 받은 뒤 Liverpoll Community College에서 미술 디자인 공부를 다시 하게 된 것을 시작으로 지금까지 활발한 활동을 펼치고 있다. 오일 파스텔, 컬러 잉크 등을 사용하여 깊이감있고 예술적인 마티에르가 강한 스타일이면서도 그녀가 창조해낸 인물인 미스터 머스타드씨와 그의 가족들, 애견을 항상 함께 등장시키며 귀엽고 재밌는 스토리를 더하여 많은 사랑을 받고 있다. 아트포스터나 판화 이외에도 다양한 캐릭터 상품으로도 자주 만나볼 수 있는 작품들이다.
Ernest, Doris, Horace and Stripes
80.0 X 57.0 cm
A Romantic Interlude
70.1 X 50.0 cm
50.0 X 100.0 cm
Freewheelin with Joyce
50.0 X 40.0 cm
Bums on Seat
40.0 X 50.0 cm
Home from Home
50.0 X 40.0 cm
Double Decker Bike
60.0 X 80.0 cm
Keep on Keeping On
50.0 X 40.0 cm
50.0 X 101.6 cm
Hugs on the Way Home
40.0 X 50.0 cm
A Sneaky One
30.0 X 40.0 cm
The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far from the Tree
40.0 X 40.0 cm
Crossing with Ducks
50.0 X 40.0 cm
The McWerter’s Maiden Voyage
50.0 X 40.0 cm
Walking the Sausage
40.0 X 40.0 cm
The Same as It Ever Was
40.0 X 30.0 cm
50.0 X 100.0 cm
50.0 X 100.0 cm
A Day out with Little Betty
40.0 X 40.0 cm
A Moon to Call Their Own
39.5 X 49.5 cm
Following the Pumpkin
40.0 X 50.0 cm
On Jack’s Beach
40.0 X 50.0 cm
Spotty Joggers
40.0 X 30.0 cm
The Square, The Round And The Arched
33.0 X 48.0 cm
Breakfast in Bed For Doris
100.0 X 50.0 cm
40.0 X 50.0 cm
Just One More Hill
50.0 X 40.0 cm
Don't Dilly Dally on the Way
80.0 X 60.0 cm
Big Skies
60.0 X 80.0 cm
Out for a bit o' Brunch
100.0 X 50.0 cm
Dogger, Fisher, Light Vessel Automatic
50.0 X 40.0 cm
I Would Wait My Whole Life For You
100.0 X 50.0 cm
A Sneaky One II
100.0 X 50.0 cm
Grand Day Out
50.0 X 40.0 cm
Big Smackeroo!
32.0 X 41.0 cm
Remembering When We First Met
60.0 X 80.0 cm
I Just Can't Get Enough of You
40.0 X 50.0 cm
Afternoon Tea
100.0 X 50.0 cm
We Saw Three Ships Come Sailing By
60.0 X 80.0 cm
Carrying on Regardless
30.0 X 40.0 cm
Putting the World to Rights
100.0 X 50.0 cm
Love on a Mountain Top
30.0 X 40.0 cm
Off for a Breakfast
50.0 X 40.0 cm
A Cosy Cuppa
30.0 X 40.0 cm
Cat Baskets
30.0 X 40.0 cm
Tiptoe Through The Bluebells
50.0 X 40.0 cm
Dancing Cheek To Cheeky
40.0 X 50.0 cm
Bluebell Daze
30.0 X 40.0 cm
A Moody Balloon
30.0 X 40.0 cm
Taking the Girls Home
40.0 X 50.0 cm